I don’t even trust you to do that

Cool Milton Friedman in action deconstructing Phil’s leftist utopian assumptions. A helpful reminder of the real engine that drives growth on a day when the Senate passes a 829 billion buck boondoggle of leftist wishlists run amuck.

“Where are these angels who can organize society for us? I don’t even trust you to do that.”

Hat tip to Jonah Goldberg.

hard to face but real

Ok, there is an event that occurred that has to be faced even though it is horrible. Benjamin linked to the news story in his comment to this post.

The quick summary is that a woman went to have an abortion of a 23 week old baby. The clinic messed up. A live baby girl was born. A live baby girl was summarily disposed of by being thrown into a “biohazard” bag.

Vitamin Z posted a link to an interview with the baby girl’s mother.

Here is that interview. you have to go read it, but it isn’t easy to read.

here is the worst part. here is the part that has to be seen by people like Jesurgislac who commented at length in response to this post defending a woman’s right of complete control over her uterus as if there wasn’t a baby in there. Who told me that calling a fetus a “baby” fatally weakens my pro-life argument.

Make yourself read this:

Williams recalls grabbing the armrests of her chair and elevating herself to a squatting position, heels at the edges of her seat. The receptionist and staff kept telling her to sit down and close her legs, but she couldn’t comply. “There was just no stopping it,” she said.

Williams said she delivered her baby, Shanice, onto the recliner almost immediately after squatting. First amniotic fluid spilled out, then the baby dropped onto the cushion.

“When I saw that happen, I jumped off the chair and turned away, facing the wall,” Williams said.

Shanice’s body slid on the blood and amniotic fluids into the rear corner of the recliner because she was still attached to Williams by the umbilical cord. “When I jumped off I pulled her like into the back of the chair because she was still attached,” she said.

According to Williams and the lawsuit, the receptionist and the staff began screaming and rushing, trying to figure out what to do. Williams said she stood against the wall, glancing in horror at her newborn baby. “She wasn’t moving much. Twitching, gasping for air. She wasn’t crying though, just hissing. Hissing sounds only.”

The sight of a fully formed baby was a complete surprise to Williams.

“I thought it would be a blob thing, but bigger, not a baby,” she said. “She looked like a Water Baby. Like those dolls you fill up with water. She was really little, like this,” she said, holding her hands about 12 inches apart.

(Water Babies are sold in stores such as Toys ”R” Us. A product description on the Toys ”R” Us online store reads, “Water Babies are water-filled dolls that replicate the warmth, weight and feel of a real baby.”)

According to the lawsuit and Williams’ recollection, Gonzalez, the clinic’s owner, who has no health care licensing, came into the waiting room, cut the umbilical cord, and scooped Shanice’s body into a red biohazard bag, sealed it and tossed it into a trash can.

emphasis added.

Now take a look at another “fetus” who survived an attempt on her life by her own mother.

part II