phriday photos

just something about film that looks different.
peeking over

really hot out at Waterloo Park last weekend
trying to keep cool

almost 90
Birthday party

phridai photos

down Lady Bird Lake

saturday sunset

there is just something about film and B&W that makes me like this picture of the dizzy bat race
dizzy bat race

phridai photoes

went out last Saturday evening to take some pictures of the power plant on first street.
saturday sunset at the power plant

as long as I was down there, I walked around and took some more pictures.

here is the Lamar Street bridge
Lamar bridge 28mm

and here is the pedestrian bridge
pedestrian bridge 28mm

Phiday Photos

We made a trip up to see my Dad’s river place last weekend.
Brazos River Property

huge old trees
julie and the pecan trees

some of my mother-in-law’s flowers

foto friday

here is bokeh from the 105mm on Film
Happy Bokeh Wednesday F4e

and Joseph is back out at Camp Peniel for two weeks of work camp. This is the shower and sink facility
camp peniel F4e

and here is some lightning from last night’s storm. This was my first attempt at lightning capture. I want to have another go at it.
tonight's storm

photo phriday

some more hot weather sun loving flowers

wildflowers in the sun

wildflowers in the sun

wildflowers in the sun

wider view
wildflowers in the sun

friday fotoes

My lovely wife and I celebrated 20 wonderful years of wedded bliss last weekend in Grapevine at the Gaylord Texan.
gaylord texan

Gaylord Texan

and the sky was really funky one evening this week

here we are on self timer
Gaylord Texan

foto friday

UPDATED to put this on Friday where it belongs. Sorry about jumping the gun yesterday.

still water

360 bridge
28mm on F4e

isolating the subject from the background

friday fotoes

I enjoy the backlit look if it can be done without flaring.

afternoon sun

a little artsy soft focus
afternoon sun

Backlit portrait with just a bit of flare. desaturated the colors a bit to make it artsy instead of a throwaway.
Easter pictures

photo phriday

I bought a well used and very cheap twenty year old film camera and have been taking some pictures on, get this, FILM. Lots of fun.

picture from which the current header is cropped.
Testing the F4

here are my nephew and daughter
28mm on F4e

and more flowers

foto friday

february is a bit too early for baseball and the weather was not very cooperative for pictures the other night. I decided to use the fog and try for artsy instead.

the scene in B&W
foggy baseball

coming up to the plate (I really like this one for some reason)
foggy baseball

and firing it in (love the face)
foggy baseball

red door furniture

by the tire store this morning was a place where we bought a baby bed a long time ago. wonder how long it has been out of business. I wonder if the property will be put to any use.


reckon if there is a metaphor somewhere in this.

Happy Thanksgiving

happy Thanksgiving to everyone. In spite of the recent economic crisis, we continue to live in one of the most blessed nations in the history of the world.

God, in his sovereignty and to praise of his glorious grace, has allowed this nation to prosper in a material way far beyond any previous nation’s prosperity. Let’s not be ungrateful. Let’s not take for granted the manifest blessings of cutting edge health care, public safety, comfort, and so much available food that we suffer from an obesity epidemic.

Most of all, let us be grateful for the freedom to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ whenever, however and in whatever venue we are led to do so.

At the same time, let us take seriously the threat to the Gospel that comes from the very blessings and prosperity mentioned above. People who are surrounded by such bountiful blessings and comfort are easily distracted from the Gospel. It is easy to equate our material prosperity with God’s favor and miss the equally likely possibility that it is the enemy’s attempt to distract us and to lull us into complacency.

we should take this day set aside for thanksgiving and we should be grateful to God that we live in this country at this time. Then let us encourage one another daily as long as it is called today so that none of us is hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.

saturday morning
another sunday morning at 105mm

trying direct photo insert

a bit of flaring.

trying direct image upload

trying direct image upload

instead of linking to flickr. if you click on the picture, you can see the full size version.

another beautiful fall morning

saturday sunrise

saturday sunrise

Julie and Hope

Messing around with off-camera flash

julie at 28mm

julie at 28mm

which one?

this is a 30 second exposure at f10
bringing the night to life

this is a 30 second exposure at f14
night shots