fotos on a Friday

trying Kodak Ektachrome 100G slide film in the Nikon F5.

love the 105mm and sun rays
in the sun

maximal bokeh
in the sun

sunset through the tree
Soft light

and Natalie being the “tall girl in the middle.”
mcneil v. georgetown

phridae phoatoes

more black and white film from the Nikon F4e. this is ilford delta 400. I like the grain and contrast of it.

big yawn


the little Canon Powershot S90 is an exceptionally good point and shoot camera.

phriday photos

the sky was a little bit strange Tuesday evening
tuesday evening

here is the same picture as the one from last week on 35mm film to show the full 17mm. (compare to D300 17mm which is more like 24mm)
17mm Capitol

and I always love the flowers
more flowers

phridai photoes

love depth of field, bokeh and flowers

rediscovering film photography with a Nikon F5 and Fuji velvia 100.
sunset at the capitol

wide angle lens and a polarizer

foto friday

afternoon bokeh

Black and White sunstar
afternoon sun

Black and White dandelion
B&W flowers

God in nature

Challies put up an excellent post yesterday about the nine things he learned about God from nature. Take some time this weekend to read it.

I have also been struck by this fact when I take pictures:


God overlooked no detail in creating this world. While humans like to declare that certain parts of our bodies are unnecessary or left over from some far-off evolutionary process, nature offers us no such hints. In Planet Earth we cannot help but see the beauty of God in the details—in the tiniest microbes and the largest mammals. God created this world to function perfectly, down to its tiniest and seemingly least significant parts.

If God has seen fit to be involved in the tiniest details of the tiniest creatures He has made, how much more can we trust Him in the details of our lives. The same God who sees the sparrow fall is the God who is present with us as we seek to live our lives in accordance with His will. The God who has woven together this world is the same God who weaves together providence for our good and for His glory.

the details are so amazing. that is why I love macro photography.
aperture experiments

butterflies on lantana

friday fotoes

a pelican swooping over the water last Tuesday morning
lake morning

more macro flowers
aperture experiments

and a monochromatic sunstar from the old film camera
afternoon sun

foto friday

here is bokeh from the 105mm on Film
Happy Bokeh Wednesday F4e

and Joseph is back out at Camp Peniel for two weeks of work camp. This is the shower and sink facility
camp peniel F4e

and here is some lightning from last night’s storm. This was my first attempt at lightning capture. I want to have another go at it.
tonight's storm

photo phriday

some more hot weather sun loving flowers

wildflowers in the sun

wildflowers in the sun

wildflowers in the sun

wider view
wildflowers in the sun

foto friday

UPDATED to put this on Friday where it belongs. Sorry about jumping the gun yesterday.

still water

360 bridge
28mm on F4e

isolating the subject from the background

foto friday

we went camping last weekend.

he caught one

these daisy looking flowers had less diameter than a dime
tiny flowers

waiting for a bite

photo phriday

I am really enjoying this spring.



yet more spring

this morning

it finally stopped raining, so I took some pictures this morning.

tree buds

tree buds

foto friday

spring is springing. here is a bee on a redbud on the Capitol grounds. My new spring header came from this.
friday evening

Love the determination on 2’s face:
royals v. bcs

and I just can’t seem to get enough of flags:
friday evening

photo phridai

Here is the uncropped version of this picture that was the first one I posted on this blog. I am entering this uncropped version in a photography contest.
shasta daisy

and it is basketball season
Royals v. BCSdefense

reboundthe rebound 2

Friday Fotos–Bokeh

Bokeh is the out of focus “oof” area on a picture. smooth creamy oof areas are generally felt to be more pleasing to the eyes.

here is a mosquito on a landscaping log taken with a 105mm f2.8 nikkor
tighter crop on the bug

and here is a short tree in winter with the 80-200mm f2.8 nikkor

and here is an entirely oof picture of people, a christmas tree and some blinds with the 50mm f1.4 AF nikkor showing the “circles of confusion.
bokeh extravaganza


trying another direct upload now that wordpress 2.7 is out.  

chrismas poinsettia

Happy Thanksgiving

happy Thanksgiving to everyone. In spite of the recent economic crisis, we continue to live in one of the most blessed nations in the history of the world.

God, in his sovereignty and to praise of his glorious grace, has allowed this nation to prosper in a material way far beyond any previous nation’s prosperity. Let’s not be ungrateful. Let’s not take for granted the manifest blessings of cutting edge health care, public safety, comfort, and so much available food that we suffer from an obesity epidemic.

Most of all, let us be grateful for the freedom to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ whenever, however and in whatever venue we are led to do so.

At the same time, let us take seriously the threat to the Gospel that comes from the very blessings and prosperity mentioned above. People who are surrounded by such bountiful blessings and comfort are easily distracted from the Gospel. It is easy to equate our material prosperity with God’s favor and miss the equally likely possibility that it is the enemy’s attempt to distract us and to lull us into complacency.

we should take this day set aside for thanksgiving and we should be grateful to God that we live in this country at this time. Then let us encourage one another daily as long as it is called today so that none of us is hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.

saturday morning
another sunday morning at 105mm

friday feautaux

a couple of macros.
flower and bee
two flash macro

and a sepia of Daniel checking his pictures

friday fotos

adam and the cat looking comfortable

fall leaves from which I cropped my current header. pushed the saturation to max to blow out the red and emphasize the color.
red leaves

package arrived

I had a package waiting for me after work today. an innocuous brown box.
ESV Study Bible

As anyone would do, I opened it only to find another box. this one white and much less innocuous.
ESV Study BibleESV Study Bible

I opened the white box to discover a bit of shrink wrapped brown papery goodness.
ESV Study Bible

removed the wrap.
ESV Study Bible

opened it up.
ESV Study Bible
ESV Study Bible

Hmmm. this is going to be fun. The TruTone is soft and flexible. The Bible is HUGE. I haven’t read much of the study material yet, but what I have read is good. The timelines are very helpful.

The Bible opens completely flat with no effort, so you can read it easily on a table or desk. Plus, it included a code to access the online version of the ESV Study Bible which, depending on your laptop is less bulky than the physical version.

All in all a great package to have waiting.

Now, one more arrival next year sometime if the funds permit.

enjoying the cool morning

the birds were really frolicking today.
another sunday morning at 105mm
another sunday morning at 105mm

Friday photos

here is the moon from the other night
full moon

and here is a 3 second exposure look down the line from last saturday morning early.
saturday sunrise (jpeg)

fall leaves


morning sun

messing around this morning.
welcome to the day
morning grass in autumn105mm sunstarI love taking pictures.