
do you ever have an itch that you just can’t quite scratch? Something that worries the top of your brain unresolved and just won’t go away? Something that just hangs in the background casting an ever so slight pall on whatever else is going on because there is no relief?

that is the way I feel a good bit of the time. When I read Elihu’s words in Job 32:17-22, I completely understand what he meant.

17 I also will answer with my share;
I also will declare my opinion.
18 For I am full of words;
the spirit within me constrains me.
19 Behold, my belly is like wine that has no vent;
like new wineskins ready to burst.
20 I must speak, that I may find relief;
I must open my lips and answer.
21 I will not show partiality to any man
or use flattery toward any person.
22 For I do not know how to flatter,
else my Maker would soon take me away.

then I run across something like the message Paul Washer gives in the video below, and I can say, “ahhh…..that is what I was trying to say. what a relief!”

He says, “the church in America today looks like a Six Flags Over Jesus.” and that isn’t even the best part. Listen to what Paul says. “we spend five minutes counseling someone about salvation and then spend 50 years trying to disciple a goat into a sheep.”

I linked to it on Timmy Brister’s blog before here.

we must get this

here again is a link to John MacArthur’s two part message on God and evil. if you only have 25 minutes, then listen to part two only. Unfortunately, the free listening of the message is no longer available. They cost money (2 dollars) to download, but are worth it.

originally posted on 8/27. everyone needs to listen to part two at this link. seriously.

if God is sovereign over all like He says He is in Ephesians 1:11, then it necessarily follows that God wills that evil exist.

“God wills evil to exist. (without being evil)” according to the Ligonier ministries blog, that is how John MacArthur begins the two sermons linked here. UPDATE: the quoted phrase comes at the beginning of the second message.

I am going to give these messages a listen this morning and this evening.

UPDATE: The first message was only 24 minutes long. Mainly it consisted of establishing with scripture that God is sovereign over all things. That everything is part of His plan.

oooo! part 2 starts out with a kick.

UPDATE II: Excellent 2nd message as well. as you would expect from John MacArthur, it is mostly just straight scripture. If you don’t start from the assumption that the Bible is God’s word to us and that our job is to figure out what it says and get under it, then you will not get these messages. if you do start from that assumption, then it is a wrasslin’ match. ding, ding. let the match begin.