do you know God?

when I put up posts like this and this, I wonder if people have the same struggle that I have had over the years from time to time.

that struggle is to find myself learning a lot about our triune God, but not really getting to know Him. Other times, there is passionate intimate fellowship, but sometimes it is much more removed and intellectual.

johnMark at Sweet Tea & Theology has reviewed a J.I. Packer book called Knowing God that looks like it may be able to help in this particular struggle.

Here is a bit from the introduction of the review, but go read it all and maybe get the book if it looks like something that may help you in your pursuit of God.

Do you know God or just know about Him? Do you seek to know God through Scripture or through personal experience? Are you skeptical about the Bible being divine revelation from God?

In Knowing God, J.I. Packer sets out to answer who God is as revealed in the Bible and how we are to know Him. Packer asserts that ‘ignorance of God’ is seen as the root weakness in today’s church. He examines the ignorance of God’s ways, and also as they relate to daily living.

in our Tuesday morning Bible Study we are starting this book by AW Tozer.

I try to always keep in mind that Paul said that the pursuit of knowing God was more important than anything else in his life.

The whole Bible is about God’s passionate pursuit of people. How can we not respond by pursuing Him in return?

by the way, as long as we are on this topic, if you haven’t heard John Piper’s sermons from the 2004 Desiring God National Conference on Sex and Supremacy of Christ, then you have to do so. It will give you a whole new perspective on the passionate pursuit of intimate personal knowledge of God and Christ.

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