
I don’t how many of you have noticed the discussion that has been going on in comments to this post, but I encourage everyone to take some time and go check it out.

I have a some questions though for everybody:

Is pregnancy and childbirth the same thing as giving up a kidney for another person? Why or why not?

Is the fact that a small number of women will choose to terminate pregnancies illegally and harm themselves as a result a compelling argument for continuing to allow wholesale abortion of over a million small humans for any reason during the full nine months of pregnancy?

Is it a denial of the full personhood of a woman to “force her” to “endure” pregnancy and childbirth after she becomes pregnant by choosing to engage in voluntary sexual activity that results in a pregnancy?

Isn’t there more we can do to help women in a crisis pregnancy situation? Shouldn’t we be finding out what we can do and doing it? Check out this post by Justin Taylor and get started.

Above all, I would ask that you pray for people like jesurgislac that God will exchange their heart of stone for one of flesh. God is the one who can change our perspective and does so regularly for his glory.

Check out again this word from a fetus who became a baby.

2 Responses

  1. I read through the comments and the talking past each other issue is hard to get around.

    The kidney analogy is flawed because kidneys don’t have heartbeats and, ironically enough, kidneys don’t grow into kiddies.

    This issue will forever be split, but that is why Roe is so awful. Your counterpart does not want the government to force women to go through pregnancy, but Roe allows the government to deny the states to vote on abortion. If we blow up Roe, we could at least have a vote, the democratic way to end these kinds of arguments.

    Unfortunately, after the CA marriage proposition, I don’t think any pro-choice person would want to leave it up to “the people” to decide.

    Also, it amazes me how often the whole “how they got pregnant in the first place” issue gets quickly glossed over. Sex has consequences.

  2. I am continually nonplussed by the easy way in which most people confuse the legal and the ethical aspects of this discussion. The whole issue is predominantly one about the ethical grounds for our future positions on the subject of abortion, legal or otherwise. Is it ethically despicable? That is the question… and too many want to jump right past that into the lap of questions of convenience or legislative practicality. Part of this is because a number of people, perhaps the majority, still define ethical issues in terms of the current societal mores or “what people I care about think.” This is why, sixty years ago, abortion was culturally detested whereas now people talk about it as though it were a “private” matter. Of course it is no more a private matter than any other ethical question.

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